Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Eisenhower Doctrine - 1216 Words

| The Eisenhower Doctrine | | | The Eisenhower Doctrine In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, while the world was repairing itself from the 6-7 years of war (4 years for the US), unseen forces were posed to launch and spring into action once the war was over, an ideology; one that had taken a country over by storm and revolution. These unseen forces were setup in the cold, grim climate of Mockba (Moscow). Josef Stalin, â€Å"the Grim Reaper of Communism†, had plans to sow the seeds of Communism throughout the entire Western half of Europe and elsewhere. While it’s no surprise that when attending the Potsdam Conference in Potsdam, Germany from July 17, 1945 to August 2, 1945, the â€Å"Big Three† consisting†¦show more content†¦Ike, knowing that he lost Egypt, sought to strengthen its ties with other Arabic conservative countries; countries such as: Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iraq and Lebanon (Yaqub, 2004). Ike felt that with the right incentives such as military aid, economic aid and explicit guarantees of American protectionism, these countries could show their Pro-Western stance to the world, and it would cause these countries to remain loyal to the West (Yaqub, 2004;, 2009). Also, another issue was there had been a power vacuum caused by the loss of prestige by Britain and France. As such, the Soviet Union was posed to step in and fill this void. Nasser was spreading his Pan-Arab policies and forming â€Å"volatile relationships’ with Syria and Jordan. The US wanted to fill that void before th e Middle East comes under Soviet influence (Eisenhower Doctrine, 2009). The Eisenhower Doctrine was put to the test in 1958, when civil unrest occurred in Lebanon. Fearing for his country, the President of Lebanon, Chamille Chamoun, appealed to Eisenhower for help (, 2009). Ike sent 15,000 troops to assist in quelling the violence in Lebanon. This action showed to the world that the US had interest in the Middle East (, 2009). Another instance occurred in 1957, which involved a political crisis in Jordan. The King of Jordan, King Hussein, removed from his cabinet, members who were Pro-Soviet and loyal toShow MoreRelatedThe Eisenhower Doctrine Of The Middle East1587 Words   |  7 Pages The Eisenhower Doctrine in the Middle East Mahmoud Mseddi History Society L2G1 Mediterranean School of Business November 29, 2015 â€Æ' The Eisenhower Doctrine in the Middle East Dwight David Ike Eisenhower was the 34th president of the United States of America and was in office from 1953 until 1961. His presidency can be considered as a bumpy but remarkable road from the foreign affairs side. Taking over the office during the cold war, he fiercely protected his country and his allies againstRead MoreEisenhower/Truman Doctrine Study Guide Essay1350 Words   |  6 PagesEisenhower/ Truman Study Guide The questions cover Chapters 5, 6, and 7 from the Cold War book- Pearson, and Ch. 12, 16, and 17 and pages 150-161 from the Todd book. All of these sections were assigned and questions were asked in class covering most of the readings. 1. What was the difference between Cominform and COMECOM? Cominform: Communist Information Bureau (September 1947) created as an instrument to increase Stalin’s control over the Communist parties of other countries. COMECOM:Read MoreEisenhower vs. Truman1687 Words   |  7 PagesEisenhower vs Truman IN THE COLD WAR Life, Policies and Accomplishments Life, Policies and Accomplishments American History LIFE Harry S. Truman was born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri. His parents were John Anderson Truman and Martha Ellen Young Truman. He also grew up in a poor family. He only had one brother and one sister. Since he was young, he liked history, government and reading. He went to school but when he was at college he decided to stop attending to it becauseRead MoreSoviet Penetration and Growth in Syria During the Late 1950s1406 Words   |  6 PagesAdditionally, it is worth noting the impact that the Eisenhower Doctrine played in inadvertently advancing the Soviet cause in the Middle East and in Syria in particular. This doctrine was conceived of by the U.S. and effected in 1957 to attempt to counteract the efforts of communism in the Middle East (Eisenhower, 1957), and to circumscribe the potency of Nasser and his impact on surrounding countries such as Syria in the nationalist movement. While this doctrine served to secure the support of certain MiddleRead MoreAp Us History 2001 Dbq Es say1081 Words   |  5 Pages II. Eisenhower Administration A. Massive retaliation; nuclear weapons prevented USSR attack. B. Containment policy to prevent war/attack. C. Interstate Highway System to ^ US defense against Communism. D. CIA overthrowing/prevention of spread of Communism. E. Korean Armistice/Peace treaty b/w China/North Korea amp; US. F. Domino Theory, eco/mil aid to Southern Viet to build stable/anti communist state. G. SEATO, helped strengthen anti-communist countries. H. Eisenhower Doctrine, aid toRead MoreThe Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower Essays602 Words   |  3 Pages Dwight D. Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890, in Denison, Texas to David and Ida Eisenhower. In 1911, Eisenhower had an appointment in West Point, New York at the United States Military Academy. His attendance had no charge. He was a star player on the football team, until his continuous knee injuries required him to quit playing. In 1915, Eisenhower graduated from West Point as a star student, and was appointed as a second lieutenant. Dwight D. Eisenhower was a man of honor and his time asRead MoreContainment: The American Way1372 Words   |  6 PagesUnited States made a commitment to fight communism after World War II everywhere it could in the world and got involved in conflicts more because of self-interest and determination to beat communism than the cause. This first appears with the Truman Doctrine, which set the precedent for America to assist anti-communist r egimes around the world. After World War II and up until the early 1990’s the foreign policy of the United States was based on the policy of the containment of Cold War ideology andRead MoreContainment Strategies During The Cold War1084 Words   |  5 PagesPaul Gornati Tibbles / Schreiber English 6,7 / American Cultures 10 27 February 2017 Containment Strategies in the Cold War During the Cold War, communism was spreading.   The three presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy needed a way to stop it from spreading.   All Three turned to the idea of containment.   Ayers, et al. defines containment as a Policy by George F. Kennan, that started in the late 1940’s and was created to stop the spread of communism by providing economic aid, and military aidRead MorePresidential Doctrines Essay1051 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: PRESIDENTIAL DOCTRINES Presidential Doctrines: President Kennedy and the Communist Expansion Abstract The Kennedy Doctrine was essentially an expansion of the foreign policy of the previous administrations of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman, The Eisenhower doctrine focused providing both military and economic assistance to nations resisting communism and increasing trade from the U.S. to Latin America and the Truman doctrine focused on containment of communism by providingRead MoreTruman Doctrine1575 Words   |  7 PagesRather, the events that had lead up to the proceedings of the situation in Vietnam began on March 12, 1947 with the creation of the Truman Doctrine. Proceeding World War II, the threat of communism had been particularly high. In fact, the US feared the spread of communism within many undeveloped regions throughout the world. Therefore, within the Truman Doctrine incorporated the policy of containment. The policy guaranteed immediate aid to Greece in Turkey, which had been in danger of falling under

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Freedom Writers Analysis Essay - 1069 Words

Freedom Writers Director: Richard LaGravenese Brief outline of story: The storyline of the movie takes place between 1992-1995. Beginning with scenes from the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. Hilary Swank plays the role of Erin Gruwell, a new, excited schoolteacher who leaves the safety of her hometown, Newport Beach, to teach at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, a formerly high achieving school which has recently had an integration program put in place. Her enthusiasm is quickly challenged when she realizes that her classes are all at-risk students, also known as un-teachable, and not the eager students she was expecting. The students segregate themselves into racial groups in the classroom, fights break out, and eventually most†¦show more content†¦After they raise the money to bring her over, she tells them her experiences hiding Anne Frank. When Marcus tells her that she is his hero, she denies it, claiming she was merely doing the right thing. Her denial causes Eva to rethink lying during her testimony. When she testifies, she finally brea ks down and tells the truth, much to some of her family members dismay. Meanwhile, Gruwell asks her students to write their diaries in book form. She compiles the entries and names it The Freedom Writers Diary. Her husband divorces her and Margaret tells her she cannot teach her kids for their junior year. She fights this decision, eventually convincing the superintendent to allow her to teach her kids junior and senior year. The film ends with a note that Gruwell successfully brought many of her students to graduation and college. Textual evidence: The opening scene is of the LA riots in 1992, showing the ciaos in downtown LA. Erin’s determination to teach- â€Å"I want to be here.† The emphasis on Erin’s pearls necklace- symbolising a sense of not belonging. The riots at the school- symbolising ciaos. Close up of Erin’s face at the time of the riots, showing her shock. Eva’s soliloquy- â€Å"you can’t go against you own people, your own blood.† - Symbolism of conformity. Tido raising his hand in class- sign of change. The line game- the class isShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis on Freedom Writers2290 Words   |  10 PagesFilm Analysis Essay on Freedom Writers Main Credits Title: Freedom Writers Director: Richard LaGravenese Scriptwriter: Richard LaGravenese Adapted from: The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell Actors/Main characters: Hilary Swank-Erin Gruwell, Patrick Dempsey-Scott Casey, Scott Glenn-Steve Gruwell, Imelda Staunton-Margaret Campbell, April L. Hernandez-Eva Benitez, Jaclyn Ngan-Sindy, Jason Finn-Marcus, John Benjamin Hickey- Brian Gelsord, Plot Summary The movie â€Å"Freedom Writers† is based on aRead MoreFreedom Writers: Rhetorical Analysis Essay714 Words   |  3 PagesRhetorical Analysis: Freedom Writers The movie â€Å"Freedom Writers† is based on a true story. Hilary Swank as Erin Gruwell plays an inspirational teacher at Wilson High School. She is ready to take on the teaching world as she steps inside Wilson High School for her first day. Her class, varied with teenagers of different ethnic backgrounds, wants nothing more than to just get through the day. African Americans, Latinos, Asians, gang members, and much more are from poor neighborhoods, that all shareRead MoreFreedom Writers Analysis Paper786 Words   |  4 PagesFreedom Writers Analysis Over the years, I had heard many positive things said about this movie, but yet I had never taken the time to rent the movie and watch it myself. That is why I am so glad that this movie was our assignment. Freedom writers far exceeded my expectations. It truly was touching to see an adaptation of real live stories come to play. Watching a young woman, a teacher, who was completely out of her element and her comfort zone, grow to actually take an interest in these kids thatRead MoreAnalysis of Freedom Writers Essay1457 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom Writers- Theme Essay: The film Freedom Writers directed by Richard La Gravenese is an American film based on the story of a dedicated and idealistic teacher named Erin Gruwell, who inspires and teaches her class of belligerent students that there is hope for a life outside gang violence and death. Through unconventional teaching methods and devotion, Erin eventually teaches her pupils to appreciate and desire a proper education. The film itself inquiries into several concepts regardingRead MoreAnalysis Of Always Running And The Freedom Writers1439 Words   |  6 Pagesthat can sometimes lead us to severe consequences. In life, some choices we make can lead to tremendous consequences but they can also make us learn many important values that can help us throughout life. In the story of Always Running and The Freedom Writers, the main character faces many obstacles and has many tough and sometimes life changing choices to make, but the main characters learn from their choices and thus changing their next decision. In the story of Always Running, Luis who is theRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Freedom Writers1507 Words   |  7 PagesFreedom Writers is a movie based on the book The Freedom Writers Diary by teacher Erin Gruwell. The movie was directed by Richard LaGravenese and it was released in 2007. This movie discusses significant themes such as stereotyping and racial discrimination but most important the power of tolerance and understanding. The purpose of this movie is to promote the message that knowledge is power and in a world filled with disparities where hundreds of ethnic groups convey and interact humans are obligedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Freedom Writers 1070 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction ‘Freedom Writers’ is an American film, directed by Richard Granvense and based on a true story, which is dedicated and idealistic teacher Erin Gruwell. Mrs Gruwell inspires and teaches her class of belligerent and aggressive students that there are a positivity and hope for a life outside rather than gang violence and death. This is because students were divided into groups based on race, believed that they had no future and convinced that they had nothing to learn from other racesRead MoreFreedom Writers By Jung Ah Choi1010 Words   |  5 Pagesto be appropriate and efficient it has to relate in some way with the individual learner and how the individual demonstrates their learning process. â€Å"Reading Educational Philosophies in Freedom Writers† by Jung-Ah Choi, breaks down the different methods of teaching through the film Freedom Writers. Freedom Writers is a film based on a true story about a young teacher, Erin Gruwell, who faces racial barriers at an integrated high school in Long Beach California. The article displays the teaching methodsRead MoreTheme Analysis-Freedom Writers Diary791 Words   |  4 PagesBrought Together By Education Segregation has been a problem for quite some time, and it has trickled down from generation to generation, influencing younger and younger children every day. The problems the teenagers were facing in this book, The Freedom Writers Diary, were simply because of the segregation they were either taught or learned from the people around them. With the help of Ms. Gruwell, these teenagers became more open-minded about their peers and realized they needed an education. â€Å"YouRead MoreReaction Paper About the Movie the Reader1943 Words   |  8 PagesReaction Paper â€Å"The Freedom Writers† Literal level: Who: Erin Gruwell/Ms. G, Steve Gruwell, Scot Casey, Margaret Campbell, and the Freedom Writers What: The Freedom Writers (from the diaries of the students of Room 203) Where: Long beach and Los angeles, California When: 1992-1995 Interpretative level: Erin Gruwell is a young new excited teacher at one of the hardest school Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California. At first, Erin is having problem about her new

Monday, December 9, 2019

Many critics consider J.D. Salinger a very controv Essay Example For Students

Many critics consider J.D. Salinger a very controv Essay ersial writer, for thesubject matters that he writes.. J.D. Salingers works were generallywritten during two time periods. The first time period was during WorldWar II, and the second time period was during the 1960s. Critics feelthat the works during the 1960 time period were very inappropriate,because of the problems for which he wrote. The main characters weregenerally misfits of society. In most of his works, he has theprotagonist of the story go on a quest for happiness. Salinger does notconform to the material happiness; the characters undergo a spiritualhappiness. The characters generally start out as in bad conditions,through the end of his works they undergone changes that change them forthe better. The works of J.D. Salinger show the quest for happinessthrough religion, loneliness, and symbolism. Salingers works often use religion in order to portray comfort. InSalingers Nine Stories Franny Glass keeps reciting the Jesus Prayerto cope with the suicide of her brother Seymour (Bloom in Bryfonski andSenick 69). Salinger is able to use this prayer as a means of comfortfor Franny. The prayer stands for the last hope for Franny in thissituation. Franny would be lost if their was no prayer. (Bryfonski andSenick 71). Salinger shows us comfort in Catcher in the Rye. HoldenCaufield, the protagonist, is very much in despair for losing hisgirlfriend, so Caufield reads a passage in the Bible. This helps Holdenchange his outlook on life (Salzberg 75). Holden was all alone at thispoint and had no one to turn back on, until he found the Bible (Salzberg76). In both stories the characters had found themselves in badsituations. The characters in these works have obstacles which they mustovercome in order to achieve happiness (Salzman 34). Happiness is the !very substance which all of these char acters are striving for inSalingers works. Salinger uses religion in his works to comfort them sothat they can proceed on their quest to achieve happiness. Salinger uses religion as a means for liberation. Salinger uses much ofthe Zen philosophy, as in the case of Nine Stories, to achieve thisliberation (Madsen 93). In Nine Stories one of the characters, SeymourGlass, is portrayed as Buddha in the sense that he wants to be liberatedas Buddha was in his life (Madsen 93). Seymour Glass in Nine Stories has acertain philosophy about life, it is similar to the Eightfold Path usedby Buddha when achieving nirvana (French in Matuz 212). Seymour Glass ison a quest to become free from all of the suffering in his life as Buddhawas from his life (French in Matuz 213). Seymour follows the Eightfoldpath to become liberated from suffering (Madsen 96). Seymour achievesnirvana by living a good life and end anything that causes suffering. Seymour is able to attain nirvana by committing suicide (Lundquist inMatuz 211). Salinger shows us that when Seymour committed suicide he letgo of all of the suffering that he encountered, !thus attaining the happiness he longed for (French, Salinger Revisited132). Salinger shows liberation as an end to all suffering, thus creatinghappiness for the character. (French, Salinger Revisited 133). The final function of religion as a means to attain happiness was to gainpeace In The Young Lion, Salinger uses religion to gain peace througha fictitious war. In the story many of the soldiers were dying and thecountries were in turmoil (Lundquist 312). The leaders in the story see avision on the battlefield that changes them, and stops the war (Lundquist315). Salinger shows how religion can be a force used to create happinessin a story, by creating peace (Lundquist 313). Salinger is able to usereligion as a means of attaining happiness through peace. The storyseemed very dismal, until religion intervened and stopped the conflict. .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d , .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d .postImageUrl , .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d , .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d:hover , .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d:visited , .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d:active { border:0!important; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d:active , .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubb060814def0226cfd2afb488c4c792d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Symbolism of the Scarlet Letter EssaySalinger creates happiness for the characters by stopping the conflict. In The Stranger Salinger creates peace through a war by using more ofthe Zen philosophy. Salingers creates a Pact of Peace which stops theconflict between the Germans and Polish during WWII (Hamilton in Bryfonskiand Senick 143) . The Pact of Peace !was a teaching used by Buddha in the Zen philosophy (Hamilton in Bryfonskiand Senick 143). Salinger uses Zen, in this case, to stop the conflictbetween the Polish and Germans(Hamilton in Bryfonski and Senick 143). Inmany of Salingers works the conflict, becomes a source for much

Sunday, December 1, 2019

John Bany free essay sample

East Hubbard Street in Chicago, and watched John Banyan perform. John Banyan is said to be one of Chicago most creative bass players. Banyan was born and raised in Ohio, but has had the privilege of calling Chicago his home for a little over thirty years. John Banyan studied bass with Charlie Metcalf, Harold Roberts and Richard Topper, whom all Just so happen to be bassists with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and he also holds a agree in music from the Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio.John Banyan won the united States Air Force Worldwide Talent Contest in 1964, and then he went out on the road with the Jimmy Dorset Orchestra and successively served as the Jazz editor for the International Society of Bassists Magazine, from 1984 through 1988. HIS bass playing, and occasionally his unique vocal styling, have overjoyed audiences all over the world. John Banyan has played at so many different Jazz based festivals, Including he original Big Horn in Ivanhoe, Illinois, the Chicago Jazz Festival, where he has made nine appearances, the Mid-American Jazz Festival in SST. We will write a custom essay sample on John Bany or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Louis, Elkhart Jazz Festival where he has made about thirteen appearances and the Atlanta World Music Fest. John Banyan has recorded with Joe Venues, Bud Freeman, Eddie Higgins, Bonnie Color, Chuck Hedges and Don Domiciled. His music can also be heard on the Grammar nominated album, The Real Bud Freeman from 1984, which by the way, received four and a half stars in Downbeat. His music can also be heard on the Grammar Award inning album, A Tribute to Steve Goodman as well.Largely as a result of his love for the Jam session, John Banyan has performed with a list of local and national luminaries too long to name. John Banyan has said that he feels the jam session represents the height of jazz communication, an opinion which he had formed at a very young age, when John Bands bassist father would conduct jazz jams in their Ohio home. Since the alternativeness,John Banyan has made Jam sessions in Chicago his bread and butter. I enjoyed seeing John Banyan perform, and I actually to to speak with him afterwards which was also pretty cool.Hes very nice and he has an amazing talent; he said hes never worked a day in his life because he doesnt see playing his bass as something he would consider a job. John Banyan By ensnarements Andy Jazz Jam with John Banyan Earlier this afternoon, I went to Andy Jazz Club on 11 East Hubbard Street in Chicago, and watched John Ba nyan perform. John Banyan is said to be one of Chaffs United States Air Force Worldwide Talent Contest in 1964, and then he went out on or the International Society of Bassists Magazine, from 1984 through 1988.His bass the world. John Banyan has played at so many different Jazz based festivals, including and a half stars in DownBeat. His music can also be heard on the Grammar Award the Jam session represents the height of Jazz communication, an opinion which he had formed at a very young age, when John Bands bassist father would conduct Jazz jams in their Ohio home. Since the alternativeness, John Banyan has made Jam sessions see playing his bass as something he would consider a Job. John Bany free essay sample Concert Assignment Andys Jazz Jam with John Bany Earlier this afternoon, I went to Andys Jazz Club on 11 East Hubbard Street in Chicago, and watched John Bany perform. John Bany is said to be one of Chicagcfs most creative bass players. Bany was born and raised in Ohio, but has had the privilege of calling Chicago his home for a little over thirty years. John Bany studied bass with Charlie Medcalf, Harold Roberts and Richard Topper, whom all Just so happen to be bassists with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and he also holds a degree in music from the Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio. John Bany won the United States Air Force Worldwide Talent Contest in 1964, and then he went out on the road with the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra and successively served as the Jazz editor for the International Society of Bassists Magazine, from 1984 through 1988. His bass playing, and occasionally his unique vocal stylings, have overjoyed audiences all over the world. We will write a custom essay sample on John Bany or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page John Bany has played at so many different Jazz based festivals, including the original Big Horn in Ivanhoe, Illinois, the Chicago Jazz Festival, where he has made nine appearances, the Mid-American Jazz Festival in St. Louis, Elkhart Jazz Festival here he has made about thirteen appearances and the Atlanta World Music Fest. John Bany has recorded with Joe Venuti, Bud Freeman, Eddie Higgins, Bonnie Koloc, Chuck Hedges and Don DeMichael. His music can also be heard on the Grammy nominated album, The Real Bud Freeman from 1984, which by the way, received four and a half stars in DownBeat. His music can also be heard on the Grammy Award winning album, A Tribute to Steve Goodman as well. Largely as a result of his love for the Jam session, John Bany has performed with a list of local and national luminaries too long to name. John Bany has said that he feels he Jam session represents the height of Jazz communication, an opinionin which he had formed at a very young age, when John Barys bassist father would conduct Jazz jams in their Ohio home. Since the lateseventies, John Bany has made Jam sessions in Chicago his bread and butter. I enjoyed seeing John Bany perform, and I actually got to speak with him afterwards which was also pretty cool. Hes very nice and he has an amazing talent; he said hes never worked a day in his life because he doesnt see playing his bass as something he would consider a Job. John Bany By nessameler047