Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Freedom Writers Analysis Essay - 1069 Words

Freedom Writers Director: Richard LaGravenese Brief outline of story: The storyline of the movie takes place between 1992-1995. Beginning with scenes from the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. Hilary Swank plays the role of Erin Gruwell, a new, excited schoolteacher who leaves the safety of her hometown, Newport Beach, to teach at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, a formerly high achieving school which has recently had an integration program put in place. Her enthusiasm is quickly challenged when she realizes that her classes are all at-risk students, also known as un-teachable, and not the eager students she was expecting. The students segregate themselves into racial groups in the classroom, fights break out, and eventually most†¦show more content†¦After they raise the money to bring her over, she tells them her experiences hiding Anne Frank. When Marcus tells her that she is his hero, she denies it, claiming she was merely doing the right thing. Her denial causes Eva to rethink lying during her testimony. When she testifies, she finally brea ks down and tells the truth, much to some of her family members dismay. Meanwhile, Gruwell asks her students to write their diaries in book form. She compiles the entries and names it The Freedom Writers Diary. Her husband divorces her and Margaret tells her she cannot teach her kids for their junior year. She fights this decision, eventually convincing the superintendent to allow her to teach her kids junior and senior year. The film ends with a note that Gruwell successfully brought many of her students to graduation and college. Textual evidence: The opening scene is of the LA riots in 1992, showing the ciaos in downtown LA. Erin’s determination to teach- â€Å"I want to be here.† The emphasis on Erin’s pearls necklace- symbolising a sense of not belonging. The riots at the school- symbolising ciaos. Close up of Erin’s face at the time of the riots, showing her shock. Eva’s soliloquy- â€Å"you can’t go against you own people, your own blood.† - Symbolism of conformity. Tido raising his hand in class- sign of change. The line game- the class isShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis on Freedom Writers2290 Words   |  10 PagesFilm Analysis Essay on Freedom Writers Main Credits Title: Freedom Writers Director: Richard LaGravenese Scriptwriter: Richard LaGravenese Adapted from: The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell Actors/Main characters: Hilary Swank-Erin Gruwell, Patrick Dempsey-Scott Casey, Scott Glenn-Steve Gruwell, Imelda Staunton-Margaret Campbell, April L. Hernandez-Eva Benitez, Jaclyn Ngan-Sindy, Jason Finn-Marcus, John Benjamin Hickey- Brian Gelsord, Plot Summary The movie â€Å"Freedom Writers† is based on aRead MoreFreedom Writers: Rhetorical Analysis Essay714 Words   |  3 PagesRhetorical Analysis: Freedom Writers The movie â€Å"Freedom Writers† is based on a true story. 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