Thursday, January 2, 2020

Drug Legalization by Seth Sprague Essay - 2448 Words

Page 1. I think that society should permit the use of drugs for recreational purposes. After all, over twenty years of troop sweeps, police actions and military rhetoric, the evidence is all around us. The war on drugs has flopped. It has been more then ineffective and has actually made things worse. We as American citizens have to wake up and realize that there will never be a â€Å"drug free† utopia that we have been promised. People will always be willing to experiment with their bodies and use drugs no-matter the cost involved in doing so. It is our human nature to want things we can’t have and to crave addictive substances whether it is heroin or that addictive chocolate bar in the express lane aisle of your†¦show more content†¦is literally endless. We have to remember that whether someone wants to do drugs is there personal choice and in the end; there’s alone. In this situation we need to take action by allowing our pharmaceutical companies the ability to produce safer drugs with the same effects as those on the streets, this intern would allow American companies to profit here and around the world, drug dealers to loose their clout and to take the immediate burden of the tax payers of this country. The immediate effect of a legalized drug market would be increased safety for drug users. All clean and natural drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin are pathologically harmless if taken in appropriate doses and not tampered with in a lab before hand. A regulated drug market would do just this and provide such safety for drug users as consistent doses, lowering the likelihood of overdoses with some drugs. Clear labeling, instructions, and warnings like those listed by the surgeon general on a pack of cigarettes would result in safer usage. The legalization of drugs would allow pharmaceutical companies to profit by allowing them to research and eventually create safer drugs that produce similar side effects to the Page 4. current illegal ones. At the same time there would be significant tax revenues that would be included into the big picture. Overall these new

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